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Supporters of continued or even increased research however say we are on the cusp of a medical revolution.

Supporters of continued or even increased research however say we are on the cusp of a medical revolution. Mapping of the genome, gene editing, big data, artificial intelligence and other marvels of science and technology have poised researchers to realize the promise of personalized diagnoses and cures whose accuracy and efficacy physicians of an earlier era could not have imagined. Gleevec, which combined scientific knowledge of cancer-causing mutations and targeted drug development techniques, to produce dramatic improvements in the treatment of leukemia, is a harbinger, not a fluke.

Oxford library

Supporters of continued or even increased research however say we are on the cusp of a medical revolution. Mapping of the genome, gene editing, big data, artificial intelligence and other marvels of science and technology have poised researchers to realize the promise of personalized diagnoses and cures whose accuracy and efficacy physicians of an earlier era could not have imagined. Gleevec, which combined scientific knowledge of cancer-causing mutations and targeted drug development techniques, to produce dramatic improvements in the treatment of leukemia, is a harbinger, not a fluke.